Our dog Jack is known to go off his rocker at least once a day. The little puff-ball at some point during each day, without warning, begins sprinting around the house leaping over the furniture and bouncing off the walls. He literally goes from 0 to 60 in .2 seconds for no apparent reason (maybe to get Baxter's attention, but who really knows?). We find ourselves stopping whatever we are doing to watch this amusing display of speed and agility.
On Sunday afternoon after the pups received their weekly bath Jack began his daily spectacle. And there we were innocently laughing at him, saying how cute our soaking wet pup was, as he jumped up on our unmade bed galloping over the comforter and digging around in our pillows. We were in a euphoric, simple-minded state as we watched him fly off the bed and out of the room and down the stairs...and there we were smiling, it was almost sick how happy we were.
So you can probably understand our disbelief when a few moments later we both caught a glimpse of something shiny, liquid, and yellow all over our white comforter. Jaaaaack!!!!!!! I ran downstairs after him to take him outside to finish relieving himself, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when he only cowered and let out a dribble. I felt so bad, it was absolutely our fault and there he was shivering and feeling terrible. He knows better and he never has accidents it had just been like 6 hours since he'd been outside, and in our condo its hard for him to let us know, and he was shivering and wet and freezing.....way too many variables against him....so we took the blame.
Life lesson: When things get too perfect, be afraid, be very afraid.