Pittsburgh is the Pits

Friday, September 5, 2008

Our nearly life altering experience summed up in twelve seconds...

Tanner procrastinated signing up for the MCAT, there were no seats left in America, we stopped breathing, one opened up in Pittsburgh, and now we are making the four hour drive for him to take his four hour test next Friday. Good luck Tanner!


Jena said...

Sorry I haven/t commented or e-mailed you in FOREVER! Life is crazy wad-a-ya-do? Anywho, YEA for your new house and for your move that i'm super jealous of! NExt time you guys come out to Utah call me so I can come up to Logan! I hope everything else is going well and we'll talk soon!

anna said...

oh man! good luck with the drive, and even more good luck for the test! we miss you guys so so much! :(

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